Master Planning streamlines resource management using a single, easy-to-use, visual interface. Unbound visibility into your resources lets you quickly manage change and make better business decisions based on resource supply and demand. After all, we know that effectively managing your resources is one of the primary factors that contribute to the success of your business.

Master Planning gives you the ability to:

  • Manage allocations for all resources throughout your organization.
  • View workloads and availability across multiple projects at a glance.
  • Easily see how efficiently your resources are being used in projects.
  • Adjust overallocated and underallocated resources as necessary.
  • Track changes to projected budgets in real-time.
  • Submit requests for resources.

With Master Planning, you can see how estimated hours from your initial project timeline translate into actual resource schedules. Therefore You can staff  your projects more efficiently, set baseline resourcing strategies, and assign resources to tasks based on allocations. What’s more, you’ll be able to use performance and historical data to update templates and continually improve future resource management processes. The visual Master Planning interface give you a comprehensive overview of resources, project timelines, planned and projected budgets, and team member information—including skills, roles, and allocated hours.
